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Meet the team behind Bespoke



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Mark McCann - Chef Director and Founder Bespoke Food Group

Mark McCann

Chef Director

Mark has been a trailblazer in the industry and has a proven track record of driving businesses forward with his entrepreneurial spirit. Putting people at the heart of all he does has made him such an inspirational mentor creating amazing long term careers for numerous chefs. His drive and ambition supported several award-winning companies over the years. This experience has created a strong foundation to establish a bold new company that will challenge the norm.


FOOD MEMORY:  Mark's culinary journey started with his grandmother, where he and his sister discovered Indian recipes handed down through generations. Picking and tasting herbs & spices they had never seen before, they recreated authentic mouthwatering dishes that past generations had also lovingly prepared, giving them both true insight into their history. They both realised quickly that food is at the heart and soul of their family.


How memories are captured by one taste, one recipe and how this experience of creating food and eating together forms long term bonds; an ethos Mark re-creates every day in his work life.

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I have been fortunate to work with Mark on projects since the early 1990's and he has shown himself to be one of the most innovative food leads in the sector, playing a central role with many of the leading players in the industry.


He was a key figure with Sutclffe Catering in the City, with Granada, then with Restaurant Associates when it first launched onto the market; subsequently with Bartlett Mitchell.


Catering has always been a real passion for Mark as he has such a belief in the importance of great food in how it impacts on daily life plus wants to know he is delivering high service to clients.


Chris Sheppardson  |  Founder, EP Business in Hospitality & Reinvention

Francois Gatreaux - Managing Director and Founder Besoke Food Group

Francois Gautreaux

Managing Director

Francois has over 30 years of experience across multiple sectors and companies, ranging from the largest catering companies to small boutique providers. His most recent role was as the UK Managing Director where he built a team that delivered unwaveringly on the customer promise, leading the company through growth from £10m to £65m, until its sale in 2020.


FOOD MEMORY: "Hospitality has always been a part of my life. My parents opened a restaurant the year I was born. Their first customers were treated to the sounds of my sister and me roller skating upstairs, or giggling away as we stood on our chairs, trying to see who could stretch the cheese on top of their French Onion soup the longest before it snapped."


"My parents served delicious, authentic, unpretentious food and truly cared about their team and their customers, creating a restaurant that was at the heart of the community. Growing up in that environment instilled in me a deep appreciation for the world of hospitality, and I couldn't imagine pursuing any other path."


"Food, for me, is about creating lasting memories and bringing people together, all while celebrating different cultures. It comforts us. It fuels us. This is what we aim to offer our customers and clients—a heartfelt, authentic experience centred around great food."

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Throughout his career, Francois has remained a trusted partner, consistently upholding the values of sustainability and quality in each endeavour.


Vice chair of the Association of Catering Excellence and a Fellow of the Institute of Hospitality, he passionately promotes the industry and finds his greatest joy in developing teams and seeing individual careers grow and advance.

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Heather Day

Business Development Director

Great food, family and friends are the key to Heather's heart—and she'd go as far to say that looking after people is in her DNA.


She LOVES the fact her job lets her do this every day. Her ability to build, nurture and lead a team that delivered on its promises created the foundations needed to develop long term trusted client relationships. This drive for excellence was instrumental in supporting Francois with the growth from 10-65 million—a real testament and example of putting the team at the heart of all they do.  


Having both an ops and sales background gives Heather the rare insight to not only see the big picture but the ability to listen, hear and deliver what each client needs. In turn creating inclusive, engaging environments that drive client and customer experience.


FOOD MEMORY:  "Picking and eating mouthwatering gooseberries in my Nanas garden when I was 4, then using what was left to help her make a pie. Covered in flour and sitting on the floor, staring into the oven, watching it cook is a memory that still brings a smile to my face."


"Homemade pie, made with love and a Nana Cwtch (Welsh for hug). What's better...?"

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Joel Featherman

Finance Director

As a chartered account Joel has a breadth of experience that spans a wide range of businesses from private, voluntary and public sector organisations in both executive and non-executive roles. Often referred to as a safe pair of hands (exactly what you need in a Finance Director and Founder).


Whilst a relative newcomer to the food industry Joel brings a wealth of finance and consultancy experience aligned with his drive to challenge the status quo with regard to supply chains, sustainability and quality. This experience and passion will guarantee we deliver the best for our clients.


FOOD MEMORY:  A lifelong Foodie, Joel's passion with food grew from an early age where he experimented with different foods, flavours and created unique combinations—in truth some ideas worked, some didn’t—but that’s how you learn.


However, this has led him to always look for unique food experiences and cultures which have made amazing memories over the years. 

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Joel Featherman - Finance Director and Founder Bespoke Food Group
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Giovanna Carta

Operations Manager

Giovanna is someone people will always need and want on their side. Her passion for people, food and customers is extraordinary. She always goes the extra mile and drives excellence by leading her team from the front.


Creating long term relationships with her team and clients is  just one of the keys to her success. Working with likeminded people is a key motivator for her as this gives her the freedom to push boundaries ensuring the best outcome for her clients.


FOOD MEMORY: Her cherished memory is of her dad as she recalls many years of watching him, back in Sardinia, attend his allotment and talking to his plants to ensure they grew.


He was well known in the village and his bumper crops were often used to barter for other goods allowing his neighbours to also taste his amazing produce. Sadly, Giovanna lost her dad but he passed the gauntlet of his beautiful allotment to her sister who to this day, still lovingly tends and talks to the crops as her dad showed her.


Watching her sister stand back and admire the vegetables grow just as her dad did means she knows he is still there with her.       

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Stuart Purdy

Executive Chef

Stuart has always had a passion for food and has worked with some fantastic companies over the years. However, he wanted to feel at the heart of the innovation and concept planning so he joined Mark over 2 years ago.


This was the best decision he has made. In his time with Mark, Stuart has recognised the value of being around like minded people. Nurturing a mindset of inclusivity, recognition and value for your team. He is excited to take all of these skills forward into the new Bespoke Food Group.


FOOD MEMORY:  Coming from a family orientated Irish family gave Stuart fantastic memories of being with his grandparents where they worked as a Housekeeper & Gamekeeper. Even at the tender ago of 7 he can remember not only helping his grandad gather the pheasants from the estate, but helping his Nan pluck and prepare them for cooking. Whilst they would be in the oven, lovingly preparing the homemade soda bread was always the next job and this family recipe is still one Stuart uses now!


His love for farm-to-fork food stems from the memories created with the grandparents… Precious!  

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